1. in the case of the manic, the fanatic or the zealot an engram has entirely blocked at least one of the purpose lines deriving from a dynamic. The engram may be called an assist engram. Its own surcharge (not the dynamic force) leads the individual to believe that he has a high purpose which will permit him to escape pain. This “purpose” is a false purpose not ordinarily sympathetic with the organism, having a hectic quality derived from the pain which is part of it, even though that pain is not wittingly experienced. This assist engram is using the native ability of the organism to accomplish its false “purpose” and brings about a furious and destructive effort on the part of the individual who, without this assist engram could have better accomplished the same goal. The worst feature of the assist engram is that the effort it commands is engramic dramatization of a particular sort, and if the engram itself is restimulated the individual becomes subject to the physical pain and fear which the entire experience contained. Therefore, the false purpose itself is subject to sporadic “sag.” (DTOT, p. 77)

Technical Dictionary